This Research Note from the International Labour Organization discusses the topic of “Breaking Barriers: Unconscious Gender Bias in the Workplace”
“Unconscious gender bias remains a significant barrier to women’s career advancement. It is also difficult to identify and prevent. This research note provides a review of unconscious gender bias and its role in impeding women’s career advancement before discussing how to mitigate and overcome unconscious gender bias in the workplace.”
Introduction p3
1. Unconscious gender bias in the workplace p3
1.1 Gender bias in company practices and structures p4
1.2 Assessing unconscious bias against women at work p5
2. Mitigating unconscious bias p8
2.1 Methods for objective personnel decisions and talent management p8
2.2 Using data p9
2.3 Training employees p10
3. Overcoming unconscious gender bias p11
Conclusion p12
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