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Unconscious Bias in Talent Management

Unconscious Bias in Talent Management – Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

At a Human Capital / Talent Management level, an understanding of “unconscious bias” is an important new facet with  the level of engagement required to manage diversity and inclusion issues and how they impact on talent management decisions in organisations every day.

This session is specifically-tailored for people managers and inclusive leaders who wish to explore and better understand the impact of unconscious bias on hiring, promotion, performance management, and succession management by delving deeper into the impact of these phenomena upon your employees, workplace, and marketplace standing.

Through individual exploration and group interaction, your managers will learn how to examine existing processes, identify where bias may exist, and through scenarios practice more inclusive talent management decisions.

This powerful session explores the impact unconscious patterns can have on the complex task of recruiting and retaining the best talent in your organisation.  This class is specifically designed to help move people managers out of their old ways of thinking in order to successfully recruit, develop and retain the very best talent for your organisation.

Your people managers will walk away from this class more empowered to help create more inclusive teams with their diverse colleagues who are motivated and inspired by different values or communication styles.

Some of the most effective diversity and inclusion interventions take place in the intersectionality of unconscious bias and talent management. Assessing each structure and system, identifying where institutional biases exist and where people make decisions can open the organisation to Talent it already has but is:

  • Blocked by biases on who looks like a good performer
  • Who is perceived to have potential, and
  • Who appears to be ready for the next level.

As all humans including people managers and leaders are fundamentally self-referential,  we are deeply prone to look for our own traits and characteristics when we assess others. Those whose work and communication styles and have backgrounds similar to ours can tend to be assessed as having higher performance and potential than those who are more different.

Diversity Australia has worked extensively in both educating people managers, leaders and process owners on where talent management and bias intersect, as well as how to adjust existing structures and systems to be more open.    The tutorial covers the Several Patterns of Unconscious Bias:

  • Diagnosis Bias
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Anchoring Bias
  • Confirmational Bias
  • Commitment Validation Bias, and
  • Internalised Bias
  • Similarity Bias
  • Likability Bias

It additionally explores the impact of these biases on the domains of Human Capital and Talent Management, including sourcing, recruiting & interviewing, performance reviews, calibration, recognising talent, and developing & promoting talent.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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