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Sexual Harassment Training – Manager

Diversity Australia, a leading national supplier of training, presents an innovative Sexual Harassment Training Program, meticulously crafted to align with the new Respect at Work Laws and Legislation.

This comprehensive program is specifically designed to cater to the unique needs of Boards of Directors, Employees, Managers, and Supervisors, ensuring a profound understanding and practical application of these critical laws.

Our training stands apart with its interactive modules, real-life scenarios, and engaging content, tailored to each level of the organization. By participating in our program, organizations not only ensure legal compliance and risk mitigation but also foster a culture of respect, inclusivity, and safety.

Diversity Australia’s commitment to continual updates and customization makes this program an indispensable tool for every forward-thinking organization seeking to nurture a respectful and harmonious workplace.

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behaviour, which makes a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated.

Sexual harassment is not interaction, flirtation or friendship which is mutual or consensual.

Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination.

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) makes sexual harassment unlawful in some circumstances.

Despite being outlawed for over 25 years, sexual harassment remains a large problem in Australia.

Sexual harassment disproportionately affects women with 1 in 5 experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace at some time. However, 1 in 20 men also report experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace.

Who Needs To Take Sexual Harassment Training?

All members of an organisation’s workforce  that includes:

  • Boards of Directors
  • Employees
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Contract Workers
  • Volunteers
  • Suppliers

Managers and supervisors must be given additional specialised training on how to properly handle cases of sexual harassment.

Identifying Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment may include:

  • staring or leering
  • unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing up against you or unwelcome touching
  • suggestive comments or jokes
  • insults or taunts of a sexual nature
  • intrusive questions or statements about your private life
  • displaying posters, magazines or screen savers of a sexual nature
  • sending sexually explicit emails or text messages
  • inappropriate advances on social networking sites
  • accessing sexually explicit internet sites
  • requests for sex or repeated unwanted requests to go out on dates
  • behaviour that may also be considered to be an offence under criminal law, such as physical assault, indecent exposure, sexual assault, stalking or obscene communications.

What Are The First Steps?

The first step in preventing and eliminating sexual harassment involves educating all members of the workforce on sexual harassment, acceptable behaviours and cultural respect.

Directors, Managers and supervisors must be given additional specialised training on how to properly handle cases of sexual harassment and bullying.  The final step is setting up a process for when sexual harassment occurs:

  • Reporting complaints – Whistle Blower Service Hotlines
  • Handling complaints – Contact Officers Training if internalised
  • Investigations, and
  • Corrective measures and Education

Course Outline

This is a comprehensive Sexual Harassment Training Program tailored to Boards of Directors, Employees, Managers, and Supervisors, aligned with new Respect at Work Laws and Legislation which involves several crucial components:

Introduction to Respect at Work Laws and Legislation

  • Context and Importance: Introduction to the latest Respect at Work Laws, emphasizing their significance in promoting a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace.
  • Scope and Application: Explanation of how these laws are relevant and applicable across various levels of the organization, from the boardroom to the frontline staff.

Understanding Sexual Harassment

  • Definition and Types: Detailed explanation of what constitutes sexual harassment, including verbal, non-verbal, and physical behaviors.
  • Impact Analysis: Discussion on the effects of sexual harassment on individuals, workplace culture, and organizational reputation.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Boards of Directors: Emphasize their strategic role in policy formulation, setting organizational culture, and ensuring compliance with laws.
  • Managers and Supervisors: Highlight their responsibilities in preventing harassment, responding to complaints, and creating a supportive environment for reporting.
  • Employees: Focus on their role in adhering to workplace policies, respecting colleagues, and understanding reporting procedures.

Policies and Procedures

  • Policy Development: Guidance on formulating comprehensive anti-harassment policies.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Detailed explanation of how to report harassment, the confidentiality involved, and the process of investigation.
  • Support Systems: Information on support available to victims, including counseling and legal assistance.

Training and Awareness

  • Interactive Training Sessions: Designing engaging training modules tailored to each group, with role-specific scenarios and responses.
  • Continuous Education: Emphasizing the need for ongoing awareness and education about workplace respect and harassment.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

  • Understanding Legal Obligations: Detailed information on the legal implications of sexual harassment and the organization’s obligations under the new laws.
  • Ethical Standards: Discussion on the ethical considerations and the importance of maintaining a high standard of conduct in the workplace.

Evaluation and Feedback

  • Assessment of Training Effectiveness: Mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.
  • Feedback Loop: Establishing channels for continuous feedback and improvement of the training program.

Summary Outputs

  • Commitment to a Harassment-Free Workplace: Reinforcing the organization’s commitment to a safe and respectful work environment.
  • Action Plan: Encouraging participants to develop individual and team action plans for implementing what they have learned.

Note: Their is also a Face to Face / Virtual program available and is generally a refresher / induction module as an introduction to Bullying and Sexual Harassment as its prosecuted under the same legal framework.

If your organisation has had a series of incidents or reports we recommend, as a base approach, a 2 or 4 hour face to face delivery to ensure you meet the standards required by the national laws.

Book A Course

Online Courses

Summary Version of Content above
$35.00 incl GST
( 30 – 40 Mins) Online Delivery

Summary Version of Content above
$35.00 incl GST
( 30 – 40 Mins) Online Delivery

Face to Face / Virtual Courses

2 Hour Condensed Program based on Full Content above
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

4 Hour Full Content Delivery as above
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

1 Hour Full Content Delivery in a One on One Session
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

2 Hour Full Content Delivery in a One on One Session
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

4 Hour Full Content Delivery in a One on One Session
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

1 Hour Full Content
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

2 Hour Full Content
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

4 Hour Full Content
Live Virtual / Face to Face Delivery

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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