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Contact Officer Training

Program Overview

In this program, participants will recognise the importance of the Contact Officer role and develop an understanding of the role’s responsibilities, particularly when dealing with allegations of bullying and discrimination.

In this full-day program, Diversity Australia’s facilitator deliver a program that gives them a strong understanding of knowledge and behaviours to help participants to develop effective techniques for solving a variety of common issues they may face in the workplace.

Major Components To A Contact Officer’s Role

1. Assisting with setting a standard of acceptable behaviour in the workplace for all employees, suppliers and customers;

2. Assisting staff who may have a perceived issue related to unlawful discrimination or bullying in the workplace including helping them to deal with the emotion and providing them with their organisation’s options and processes for dealing with the issues relating to those policies and procedures;

3. Assisting the organisation to promote its’ Equal Employment Opportunity and anti-bullying policies and processes for all parties.

Course Content

Topics addressed include:


  • Diversity in a changing World
  • Parity, Equity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias and how they play their parts
  • the law and expectations we all have to manage against
  • legislation/ case analysis
  • unlawful discrimination and how to manage and report it
  • harassment – multiple formats
  • what constitutes harassment and bullying
  • bullying in many contexts
  • the new role of the Contact Officer
  • record keeping and its key importance
  • problems experienced by Contact Officers and how to resolve them
  • attributes of a Contact Officer and how to deal with the stresses of the role
  • conducting a one-on-one meetings and
  • effective discussions and role plays based on key relevant organisational experiences

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this workshop your managers, team leaders, and supervisors should:


  • Understand the role of an Equal Employment Opportunity/anti-bullying contact officer in their organisation;
  • Understand the daily behaviour expected of a Contact Officer/ Equity & Diversity Officer;
  • Be able to deal with allegations of bullying or workplace discrimination/harassment in the context of organisational processes;
  • Understand the federal and state legislation in relation to unlawful discrimination, harassment and bullying and how it impacts on the company, employees and the role of the contact officer;
  • Understand their own potential strengths and areas for development as a Contact Officer/ Equity & Diversity Officer.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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