The results of the nation’s first survey of age discrimination at work will be released today and streamed live, revealing the extent of the discrimination faced by older Australians.
Federal Treasurer, Joe Hockey will officially launch National Prevalence Survey of age discrimination in the workplace this morning, with Age and Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Ryan.
“The results show that over a quarter of Australians aged 50 years and over report that they had experienced some form of age discrimination in the last two years, and 80 per cent of those spoke of negative impacts,” said Commissioner Ryan.
“I am particularly concerned that a third of people who had experienced age discrimination gave up looking for work as a result. Almost half began to think about retirement or accessing their superannuation fund.
“The high prevalence of age discrimination in the workplace has obvious and lasting impacts on the health and personal financial security of those trying to get or keep jobs,” said Ms Ryan.
The report also shows how age discrimination impacts on men and women differently.
The National Prevalence Survey of age discrimination in the workplace report will be launched at Insurance Australia Group (IAG).
“It is in everyone’s interest to have a workforce that is adaptive of our ageing population,” said IAG Chairman, Brian Schwartz.
“We support the work of the Australian Human Rights Commission in addressing age discrimination and highlighting the benefits of providing for, and retaining, an ageing workforce,” he said.