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Women In Industry


Take The Transport & Logistics Diversity And Inclusion Survey

Women are an integral part of all industrys and have a great deal to offer organisations big and small, in multiple industry sectors and across all levels of management. Our aim is to provoke thought and discussion and encourage all industry’s and its stakeholders to review current work policies to create work opportunities for better engagement with skilled and experienced women.

Our program aims to stimulate discussion and promote greater collaboration between genders to close the gap of inequality in the all industry’s. An example of the imbalance is the transport and logistics sector where male dominant and described as a non-traditional sector for women.

Over the past five years the industry has had a 58% growth in employment however, only employs 14% of women according to a Transport and Logistics Industry Skills council (TLISC) report titled ‘Australian Transport and Logistics Industry Forecast of Labour and Skills Requirement 2013 -2017’.

It’s only been of recent times that this industry and its council have recognised the need to drive and support this program.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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