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What Is A Reconciliation Action (RAP) Plan?

A Rap is a strategic document that demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to create meaningful opportunities for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples.

It provides practical and measurable methods of reconciliation across your workplace and helps weave the values of equity, respect and inclusion into the fabric of your workplace culture.

A Reconciliation Action Plan represents a genuine step towards greater cultural awareness and maturity for your organisation.

It strengthens relationships between Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-indigenous peoples, providing a roadmap to a more diverse, dynamic and unified team.

Why Do I Need A Reconciliation Action Plan?

A RAP represents best-practice corporate governance across industry, with organisations large and small adopting reconciliation as a key metric of progress.

A correctly curated and implemented RAP is an investment in your staff and workplace culture, creating the right environment to attract and retain Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander professionals to your organisation.

A sincere approach to reconciliation can also provide access into new markets and networks through developing ties with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Stakeholders, opening opportunities for growth and development for your organisation.

Diversity Australia provides the support to outline your actions that work towards achieving your organisation’s unique vision for reconciliation.

Commitments within a RAP allows your organisation to be aspirational and innovative allowing your organisation to gain a deeper understanding of its sphere of influence, and establish the best approach to reconciliation.
Our process focuses on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Our first hand knowledge and cultural understanding provide a unique insight that is critical for the development of a comprehensive Reconciliation Action Plan.

Diversity Australia is part of the community we serve, working closely with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders within and outside the corporate landscape.

Working alongside your organisation we facilitate the design, creation and implementation of your own unique RAP, developed with key knowledge and understanding of the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders within your workplace environment.

We develop a practical and workable framework to foster cultural inclusivity at every level of your corporate structure.

Reflection Plan

Committing to a Reflection RAP allows your organisation to spend time scoping and developing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders, deciding on your vision for reconciliation and exploring your sphere of influence, before committing to specific actions or initiatives.

Diversity Australia maps against national Reconciliation Frameworks that defines the process through five critical dimensions that together represent a holistic and comprehensive picture of reconciliation. The five dimensions are race relations, equality and equity, institutional integrity, unity and historical acceptance.

Acceleration Plan

This type of RAP is best suited to organisations that have developed strategies, and established a strong approach towards advancing reconciliation internally and within the organisation’s sphere of influence.

This type of RAP is focused on implementing longer-term strategies, and working towards defined measurable targets and goals. The Stretch RAP requires organisations to embed reconciliation initiatives into business strategies to become ‘business as usual’.

Innovation Plan

This RAP outlines actions that work towards achieving your organisation’s unique vision for reconciliation. Commitments within this RAP allow your organisation to be aspirational and innovative in order to help your organisation to gain a deeper understanding of its sphere of influence, and establish the best approach to advance reconciliation.

This is achieved by focusing on developing and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, engaging staff and stakeholders in reconciliation and by developing and piloting innovative strategies to empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Reconciliation Action Plan Examples


Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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