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Diversity & Inclusion

If Inclusion Is Your Strategy Then Diversity Is The Outcome

Our Innovative Approach

Diversity Australia’s innovative approach to embedding diversity and inclusion is sought after by Boards, Senior Executives and Human Resources professionals as they review their strategic direction each year. Diversity Australia assists many organisations to review their approach to creating an inclusive corporate culture that values differences and promotes opportunities for all employees.

Traditionally, diversity programs have focused mostly on race and gender and other physical dimensions. However, today’s definition of diversity covers a broad spectrum of individual and group differences ranging from work styles and generational perspectives to political and religious beliefs. We bring hands on experience to create more inclusive workplaces by increasing awareness of behaviours that stem from deeply held assumptions and biases about people which continue to exist in most businesses today.

Diversity Australia offers effective Diversity and Inclusion strategies that focus on changing practices by influencing behaviour at an individual , team and organisational level. Our programs are specifically designed to address an organisation’s unique needs in order to make a positive impact and drive change.

Our programs can be implemented across a range of frameworks allowing flexibility, sustainability and inclusiveness to be achieved with minimal impacts to an organisation’s operations. These programs can be run as either a ‘stand-alone’ initiative within your current diversity strategy or seamlessly integrated into your existing development framework in order to achieve the best possible outcomes for the organisation.

Competitive Advantage

To gain a competitive advantage, organisations are learning that inviting the perspectives of diverse employee groups adds significant financial value to their bottom line. In fact, the practice of embracing and leveraging differences for the benefit of the organisation through the collaboration of cultures, ideas and experience is proving to make a strong business case for change.

Diversity is even more relevant due to the inter connectivity of global markets. The world no longer operates in silos, nor do businesses. To remain competitive, organisations must understand the preferences and needs of their diverse customer base, which go beyond simply race and gender. The intricacies of knowledge necessary to serve a wider market share require that leaders be open to all possibilities and ideas, ideas that can only come from people with widely diverse backgrounds.

Diversity Australia’s research conducted in conjunction with Urban Research produces high-quality, leading edge tools designed to assist the human resources efforts within organisations. The Diversity & Inclusion Attitudinal Survey was developed by the Diversity Australia team who coordinate and manage the integrity of the analytics.

The results of Diversity & Inclusion Attitudinal Survey provide insight, from the perspectives of all staff in a particular organisation, on what they are seeing in the workplace in relation to diversity practices and inclusive (or exclusive) behaviours. This information can be reported by specific business areas to provide even more granular analysis of what is really happening within a business.

The most effective and ineffective diversity practices are revealed. This knowledge is vital to ensuring that the efforts made by organisations to improve diversity and inclusion are paying off.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

For information on Services or Programs contact us below!

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