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Diversity and Inclusion Consultants in Sydney

Offering Diversity and Inclusion Consulting by Leading Executives in Sydney

Diversity Australia offer a wide range of diversity and inclusion consulting, auditing and training solutions in Sydney including such topics as:

  • unconscious bias,
  • cognitive biases,
  • sexual harassment,
  • disability awareness,
  • inclusive leadership,
  • cultural sensitivity, EEO,
  • ISO certification,
  • succession planning and management,
  • psychological safety,
  • respectful workplace training, and
  • Contact Officer training.
Diversity Australia - Diversity and Inclusion Consultants Sydney corporate man shaking hands
Our team can assist your leadership team or company with D&I compliance assessments, consulting and training. Our training offerings include both online, through virtual meetings, or face-to-face.

Our team is comprised of a range of experienced ex-executives with combined decades of real-life leadership experience combined with vast training, facilitation, consulting and audit/assessment resources across a raft of industries and organisation/company types.

What is Diversity and Inclusion About?

In order for a diverse group of individuals to interact efficiently, the workplace needs to be one where everybody is able to contribute to their potential as a whole, as well as where no one is defined by, or kept back – due to their differences.

When there are diverse perspectives and culturally-embedded systems to support broad viewpoints, there’s a better chance that previously held rigid perspectives will be challenged. Lots of organisations are sustaining as well as motivating a culture of transparency to make sure that new ideas and personally-held points of views can be openly discussed without judgement.

Versatile work hours, working from home, or work sharing, can make the distinction between someone, particularly someone with other commitments, having the ability to proceed with a role or not being able to fulfil their tasks.

What are the definitions of equality, diversity, equity and inclusion?

Let’s clarify what equality, diversity, equity and also inclusion mean.

First of all, equality.
Equality implies extending the exact same civil liberties and opportunities to ALL people, particularly within a workplace environment.

Second, equity.
This means offering those rights and also opportunities FAIRLY, which means accommodating individuals’s DIFFERENCES, so they are given reasonable ACCESS to the various opportunities within the office.

It requires welcoming the broad array of human capabilities and skills, including individuals’s beliefs, abilities, choices, backgrounds, values, as well as personal identifications.

It means that ALL people, without exception, have the right to be included, respected and valued as useful team-members.

How Can Culture be Changed by Inclusive Leadership?

We, as individuals within a workplace team, ARE the business culture! So if we wish to alter the organisational culture, we as individuals must change our behaviours, attitudes, and actions. And also like every drop in the ocean matters, everyone within the team matters.

When a leader is systemically entrenched in cost-minimisation, it feels like you’re up against this huge tide or this pressure, and you probably are!… but we are here to encourage you that you can immediately make a difference within your sphere of influence!

So you’re a leader and you have seven direct-reports, will you influence their behaviours and experience within the organisation? And then consider if you are modelling what inclusive behaviour – how will that look and be received by them, as well as the fact that you’re turning up on a daily basis modelling it, modelling it, modelling it, continually – that’s what good inclusive leaders do!

And this leadership behaviour causes a ripple effect as it cascades down through the team. When we set the tone of the culture from the top it cascades through as we model the behaviours, attitudes and actions, throughout the company and this is how we alter business culture.

To find out more about our D&I consulting, audit, or training services, please contact us via the contact form below.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

For information on Services or Programs contact us below!

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