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Legal And Professional Services

Diversity Australia works closely with the legal sector in Australia and globally. When we talked to law firms representatives the firms told us that it was much more satisfying to recruit a student with a difficult educational background, from a minor university and a different social class than it is to pull fish from the same old ponds.

It’s something to remember when you’re choosing graduates who to apply to law firms and if you constantly set expectation at the highest level the level of diversity is compromised.

Mergers and acquisitions for all firms has been a major source of pain over the last 10 years with with firms in national and international markets and all levels now focusing on building the cross-cultural capabilities of partners and senior associates to get the best out of their teams.

Working effectively with team members and clients from many different countries at all levels in the business is a major component for all staff. An expectation by customers is now a driving factor that legal firms remain focused on ensuring that the strong pipeline of female graduates and senior associates have opportunities to progress to partnership level and thrive in more inclusive, gender-balanced firms.

In an industry where more the fallout rates of male and female are more than 50% it makes sense that law firms are taking a proactive and systemic approach to retain staff in a better balanced way.

Diversity Australia has worked with the major top tiers firms in Australia to help develop their key strategies and to set clear targets for diversity measurements and success.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

For information on Services or Programs contact us below!

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