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Construction, Engineering & Consulting Services

The construction industry globally has come to the realisation that a more inclusive workplace that embraces diversity, inclusion and a blend of gender, culture, age is far more productive.

In working with a number of large and smaller construction and consulting services firms we have been able to identify key trends that point to the need to improve the way they attract staff through recruitment and retention strategies.

To identify the specific benefits of diversity in their operations we reviewed their Diversity and Inclusion frameworks for structural challenges and cultural biases that inhibited their cultures development.

Logistics, Supply Chain & Transport - Diversity Australia
With a sub 20% of women employed in Australia’s construction industry we worked closely with International forums to pioneer a more pro-active focus on diversity in the engineering and construction sectors.

Our key milestones were to focus on attracting the right level of talent through promoting and retaining the right people in a balanced and fair way.

This included having more women and people from culturally-diverse backgrounds across the organisation to increase the depth and sustainability of the talent pipeline by promoting the identification of talent from the widest demographic pool available, both internally and externally.

Construction, Engineering and Consulting Services - Diversity Australia
This led to a major increase in innovation and creativity in the design and delivery of client solutions, by exploiting diversity of thinking across the organisation which created a stronger leadership capabilities.

By enhancing diverse decision making process which fed into risk identification and business performance we provided a more inclusive and engaging environment for all employees, which led to improved motivation and productivity across all areas.

Do You Need Some Help?

The most successful organizations realise that DE&I maturity is the shared responsibility of all internal stakeholders.

Key corporate functions must take responsibility for each dimension, but all functions must be on board for the DE&I journey.

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