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The use of trigger warnings in educational materials, media content, and training programs

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The use of trigger warnings in educational materials, media content, and training programs has become an increasingly prevalent and debated topic. Trigger warnings are statements made before the presentation of content that alert the audience to the presence of potentially distressing material. Let’s explore the rationale behind trigger warnings, their implications, the types of triggers one might encounter, and examples of how they are applied in various contexts.

Understanding Trigger Warnings

Trigger warnings are intended to forewarn individuals about content that may elicit strong negative reactions or trigger traumatic memories. The primary goal is to provide individuals with the opportunity to prepare themselves emotionally or choose to avoid the material if necessary. These warnings are particularly considered in contexts where sensitive topics are discussed, such as violence, abuse, discrimination, or mental health issues.

Rationale Behind Trigger Warnings

The rationale for using trigger warnings is rooted in a consideration for the mental well-being of participants or audiences. The idea is to prevent unnecessary distress by acknowledging that some content could be harmful to those with past traumas or specific sensitivities. It’s also a practice that aligns with inclusive and compassionate communication strategies, aiming to make learning environments and media spaces accessible and safe for all.

Types of Triggers

Triggers can vary widely among individuals, depending on their personal experiences, cultural background, and psychological state. However, some common types of triggers that are often warned for include:

  1. Graphic Violence: Descriptions or depictions of violence can be triggering for individuals who have experienced violence or have been exposed to traumatic events.
  2. Sexual Assault: Content involving sexual violence or assault can be particularly distressing for survivors of such experiences.
  3. Substance Abuse: Discussions or portrayals of drug and alcohol abuse can affect those with a history of addiction or who have been negatively impacted by others’ substance use.
  4. Mental Health Issues: Topics related to mental health crises, such as suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, and severe depression, can trigger individuals who have struggled with these issues.
  5. Discrimination and Hate Speech: Content that includes racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of discrimination can be deeply upsetting and triggering for those who have been subjected to such attitudes and behaviors.
  6. Graphic Medical Content: Detailed medical procedures or injuries can be disturbing to some individuals, especially those with medical-related traumas or phobias.

Application of Trigger Warnings

In academic settings, trigger warnings might be provided in course syllabi, before specific lectures, or in the preface to certain readings. For example, a history course covering wars might include a warning about graphic descriptions of violence and wartime atrocities.

In media and entertainment, content creators might place warnings at the beginning of TV episodes, movies, books, or articles that contain potentially triggering content. For instance, a documentary about mental health might start with a warning about the discussion of suicide and depression.

In workplace training programs, especially those dealing with harassment, discrimination, or workplace safety, trigger warnings can prepare employees for realistic scenarios that might be disturbing but are essential for learning how to handle such situations.

Triggers warnings are provided as a written or verbal list of contents that may have a negative impact on an individual. Here are several, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Sexual assault
  • Abuse
  • Child abuse/paedophilia/incest
  • Animal cruelty or animal death
  • Self-harm
  • Suicide
  • Eating disorders, body hatred, and fat phobia
  • Violence
  • Pornographic content
  • Kidnapping and abduction
  • Death or dying
  • Pregnancy/childbirth
  • Miscarriages/abortion
  • Blood
  • Mental illness and ableism
  • Racism and racial slurs
  • Sexism and misogyny
  • Classism
  • Torture
  • Islamophobia and anti-Semitism
  • Hateful language directed at religious groups
  • Transphobia and transmisogyny
  • Homophobia and heterosexism

The Debate Around Trigger Warnings

While many advocate for the use of trigger warnings as a practice of empathy and inclusion, there is also debate about their effectiveness and potential downsides. Critics argue that trigger warnings might lead to avoidance behaviours, potentially limiting exposure to challenging but important content. There’s also a concern about the feasibility of anticipating and labelling all potential triggers, given their vast and subjective nature.

Why warnings are important

While some of these appear obvious as to how they can trigger negative memories in people, others may seem obscure in how they can cause harm. We can never make assumptions about what people have been through in their lives and what might trigger one individual may have no impact on another. The aim is to make people aware and enable them to make an informed choice about whether to work with or view the material.

The use of trigger warnings is a nuanced and complex issue. While they serve an important function in protecting individuals from potential harm, it’s also crucial to balance this with the need to engage with difficult but necessary topics. As society continues to navigate these challenges, the conversation around trigger warnings is likely to evolve, reflecting broader shifts in our understanding of trauma, mental health, and inclusive communication.

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Steven Asnicar, CEO of Diversity Australia

About The Author

Steven Asnicar
Steven leads the Diversity Australia Consulting business in Australia and New Zealand and is an active Leader in the Asia Pacific region.

With a senior executive career spanning 25 years in corporate as a Director and Chief Executive, consulting and executive search specialist, Steven founded and led a successful specialist leadership development and assessment firm in Asia Pacific for 18 years prior to founding Diversity Australia.

Steven is a highly experienced Executive and Coach, working with Boards, individuals and teams at the C-Suite level. He also advises clients on leadership development, succession planning and executive assessment. As an innate entrepreneur, Steven brings an innovative, data informed approach to co-create impactful yet pragmatic client solutions.

Steven earned a Masters of International Business specialising in Human Capital Management through Bond University, a Graduate Certificate of Corporate Management through Deakin and a Bachelor of Business through UQ. He is a is a graduate of the Global Institute of Directors, a qualified RABQSA Auditor, and is a thought leader on executive diversity, equity and inclusion, with over 26,000 followers on his LinkedIn profile,

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About Diversity Australia: Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.
About Diversity Australia:

Leading the Way in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

WE CHAMPION INCLUSION FOR ALL ORGANISATIONS: Diversity Australia is the leading national and international diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional services firm.

We specialise in DE&I training and consulting, including unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, psychological safety, respect at work, and cultural awareness and change.

BUILDING HIGH-PERFORMING, INCLUSIVE CULTURES: Our passion lies in developing strategies that promote cultures of inclusion and diversity. We help organisations foster a high-performing, equitable workforce that sets a new global standard for DE&I.


  • ● Led by CEO Steven Asnicar, an experienced executive and thought leader in strategic human resources and DE&I;
  • ● Team of over 10 highly qualified consultants with advanced degrees and extensive industry experience;
  • ● Alignment with Global ISO Diversity and Inclusion Standards, Australian Inclusive Service Standards (ISS), and ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations for DE&I;
  • ● Training content researched and created by subject matter experts, benchmarked across our diverse senior team;
  • ● Positive focus on the ethical and equity-related benefits of an inclusive culture.
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